Post your custom breathing styles here. Nothing too op tho. I am also posting.
Post your custom breathing styles here. Nothing too op tho. I am also posting.
Breath of Sand: Hybrid of Wind and Stone
This breathing style focuses heavily on quick precise attacks and powerful illusions
First Form: Blinding Tide
Slashes downward creating a rolling dune of sand
Second Form: Scorching Sun Rise
Slashes in a full 360 quickly imitating a morning sun
Third Form: Sundown Dance
Assaults the enemy with a barrage of blinding slashes, capable of defeating multiple enemies at once
Fourth Form: Oasis
After being hit with an attack, Samayo (My demon slayers name) creates an illusion of the enemy winning the battle before quickly dispatching the enemy while still in an illusion.
Fifth Form: Heat Stroke
Quickly striking in a large circle around the target, removing limbs and slowing the demons regeneration.
Sixth Form: Endless Rolling Dunes
Samayo makes a series of heavy downward slashes, capable of carving through solid steel.
Seventh Form: Sandstorm Dance
A barrage of powerful slashes from every angle that blinds the enemy while damaging them severely, this move is capable of nullifying beings with heightened senses, such as Tanjiro's sense of smell or Zenitsu's enhanced hearing.
Total concentration Shadow Breathing technique Forms:
Shadow breathing, First form- Vanishing Shadow Strike: The user focuses their breathing to a slow pace almost halting and while charging the opponent, hides their presence practically vanishing from sight, only revealing themselves after they’ve slashed at the neck of the demon and appeared behind them. Image looks like the sword is enveloped in shadows then when the user cuts the shadows seep from the wound and then burst
Shadow Breathing, Second Form- Flash of Darkness: the user waits for the opponent to make a move, when the opponent successfully attacks the user, they parry, spin and counter attack with a slash all in one fast motion. Image looks like a black whirlwind of darkness that flashes the same time the cut happens on the opponent.
Shadow Breathing, Third form- Swift Rising Shadow: User performs an uppercut slash that comes from a low angle strike from the ground directly upwards through the target. Image looks like the sword is covered in a black aura and rising up from below to strike the opponents neck.
Shadow Breathing, Fourth form- Duskbreak: A quick one-handed or two handed slash-draw attack that pierces a vital of the opponent. The user then quickly slashed the sword outwards vertically or horizontally slicing the opponent and possibly removing limbs depending on where the thrust was aimed. The image is A quick stream of black shadows that come between the target area and the rest of the opponent.
Shadow Breathing, Fifth Form- Eclipsing Night: A single precise slash using a spinning momentum and a long circle slash motion like the ring of light around an eclipse. Can be performed with one hand or two hands and horizontally or vertically. Image is a black ring that seemingly glows when striking either vertically or horizontally.
Shadow Breathing, Sixth form- Blackout: When surrounded, the user takes a wide slash stance and waits for the opponent to move even a fraction. Channeling their concentration breathing into their arms, swinging in a wide arch upwards and then back downwards creating a shockwave from the force of the downswing, killing the target(s) and knocking down any others, allowing for a better vantage point or an escape. Image is a rising black wave then on the downswing the black form grows into a vast black wave that covers an area.
Shadow Breathing, Seventh Form- Nightfall: The user takes a two handed slash-down stance as the target is charging towards them or within striking distance. The downward slash happens fast enough to leave an after image of the user in the stance, leaving the opponent to believe that they still have time to close in, when in reality they are already beheaded or cut in half. Image is a black wave covering the sword on the downswing then rushes downward and covers the ground after the swing.
Shadow Breathing, Eighth Form- Crescent Moon’s Shadow : A straightforward Wide slash in which the user attacks one or multiple targets at once with a wide half-spin. speed and the angle of the blade is critical when striking. Image is the sword is covered in a shadow then when the strike hits, it is a perfect black Crescent that expands outward.
Shadow Breathing, Ninth form- Looming Shadow Dance: The user can use this technique in mid-air or on the ground. The user grips the sword with two hands and furiously twists their body horizontally upwards or forwards spinning like Dark Spiral towards the opponent, while trying to jump from the ground into the air for an Aerial attack or while chaining from another attack directly on the opponent, causing multiple slashes and cuts
Shadow Breathing, Tenth form- Severing Shadow Star: The user quickly Takes their sword holding it behind their back around hip level, then rushes at the opponent(can also wait for the opponent to charge at them) slashing five times in rapid succession in a five pointed star formation ending with a slash across the neck of the opponent. Image is black slash lines forming a pentagram like star then bursting.
Shadow Breathing, Eleventh form- Eternal Darkness: the user focuses their power into their entire body, counterattacking every time the target attacks, slashing the target over and over again. Then when the target goes to guard one of the counter attacks, the user lunges and seemingly vanishes from the targets sight striking at the neck from above or Below in a completely straight lines slash that is so powerful it slices the ground when attacking from above, creating a shockwave that extends to the sky when attacking from below
Shadow Breathing, Twelfth form- Shadows Devour the Last Light: The user halts their breathing, becoming completely undetectable, and Dashing at the opponent to instantly enter their blind spot and slices clean through the target before they can react. Slicing the target in half with a quick downwards swing then in the same motion as the upper part of the target is falling, slash upwards at the neck and sever it with the hidden second sword. Image is a Black Wolf striking the opponent with the first strike and then the second strike is the same indicating the wolf was never a lone hunter but the first of a pack of hunters.
Shadow Breathing, Esoteric Art: Fading Presence: The user switches from an aggressive breathing technique focused around speed and power to an almost halting breath that makes their presence vanish
Shadow Breathing, Esoteric Art, Thirteenth Form- Deaths Embrace: A final combination Technique of Shadow breathing. The user channels all of their remaining strength into their legs and closes any distance to their opponent, then moves that strength into their arms and upper body moving so fast it seems to swing at the opponents neck from two different directions, like arms closing in to grasp them and the image of the god of Death seemingly looms over the user. The user then branches into a wide slash attack forward or a long arching slash upwards similar to a scythe cutting outwards or upwards. Finally the User Spins wildly upwards or while near the target forming images of black bone like wings slashing them until their Limbs cannot move temporarily, and then performing a final two-handed slash downwards onto their neck.
Breath of Frost-Fire
Oh yeah and special effects in Demon Slayer don’t exist 😎
Derives from Mist breathing
First form: Frost Waves Of Blue Embers
The user creates four arching horizontal slashes that come right after each other.
Second form: Freezing Meadow Flowers
The user slashes everything in range of its blade decepitating and destroying all surroundings
Third form: Striking Fire Stream
The user points the blade straight at the enemy and dashes towards it slashing its neck
Fourth form: Burning avalanche
The user jumps up and strikes the enemy straight down with a barrage of thrusts
Fifth form: Frost-Fire 8 Slash Combo
The user either strikes with a 8 slash combo or uses it to defend from incoming attacks
Sixth form: Phoenix Of White Flames After Dark
The user runs at the enemy and keeps running and dodging attacks instead of blocking just to precisely slash the enemy
Fun fact: It has been said that the people who used the sixth form heard a phoenix after using it.
Another fun fact: This breathing style was kept only in the Kurayami Clan for generations long until someone decided to become a cultivator.
Oh i love fun facts :) : The people who use this breathing style imagine them selves using white and light blue fire and ice.
This is my first fandom post and im proud of my self let me know what you think😀
Dark Moon breathing
1st form: Dark Moon Slash
2nd form: Moon Wheel
3rd form: Dark Moon Blade Flash
4th form: Once In A Dark Moon
5th form: Blood Moon
Star breathing, not exactly derived from anything needs a nichirin blade that has a blade exposed to the night sky every day for a year
Its consists of forms and stances, stances represent which star the user is drawing energy from stars that are in the sky will empower their stance more.
Betelgeuse: turns the blade red and causes small explosions on contact with blade
Rigel: turns the blade whitish blue and makes it very luminescent and hot to touch will also make the energy more concentrated.
Centauri: will give the blade a double slice effect as well as make its reach increase
Sirius: will make the blade bright enough to blind things around it as well as make its attacks send out arcs of energy
More stances will appear soon......
1ST form: beautiful nebula
User will make particles around them that cover their surrounding and then allow them to run at high speed to cut the demons head
2ND form: destructive plasma
User will make a veil of plasma around their blade that is incredibly destructive as it will destroy its surroundings on the users command
3rd form: eliptical orbit
Will let the user send out energy blade that will orbit him and go out and attack enemies, it will also behave like a boomerang
4th form: supernova
The user will swing their blade around in circles collecting energy until it releases in one big burst destroying everything around him though too much energy will hurt them
More forms might be discovered
Weakness: demon arts that deal with instabilisation may make the energy unstable and the forms are very difficult too learn
Overlord breathing
First form yin Yang blade: the user slashes up for yin then down for Yang in a Quick other worldly succession with speed
Second form yin Yang summer winds: the user makes a slash that is faster than the wind it’s self and gives the demon a warm painless death this move is for mercy kills
Third form yin Yang winter equinox: the user makes a quick below zero upward slash that freezes the demon then shatters it
Fourth form emperors hand: the user releases a large amount of blood lust that will paralyze the demon for a easy kill
Heaven breathing
1st form: heaven's judgment
User flies up into the air and forms an x from both blades and slashes down all one's might to cut target into 4.
2nd form: Angel of Darkness
User gains the aura of an Angel of Darkness and rushes forward with a blade targeting a vital part of the body and slices it while being too fast for the human eye to track.
3rd form: God's Judgement
User rushes forward in a spiral motion with both katanas flips into the air and suddenly slams into the ground in front of the target surprising them and cutting vital body parts.
Final form: God's hand
User uses his/her blades to cut a rectangle in target's body in a super-fast motion too fast for target to react.
Ultimate form: Pit of Fire
User goes into the ground and suddenly explodes out of the ground both sword raised cutting the target into pieces.
Awakened Form: God
(Most powerful move) User reflects any attack that target releases back at them boosting the power of the reflected attack, auto targets, and one shots the target no matter how powerful the target was.
Hell Breathing
1st form: Devil's trident
User thrusts his/her sword forward and stabs target.
2nd Form: Inferno
Move is similar to the move "Rengoku" but it is more powerful and accurate.
3rd Form: Eternal Death
User rushes forward and cuts all limbs if human but cuts head if demon.
Final Form: Torture
User rushes forward releasing a fury of slashes that cuts every vital part of the body instantly killing the target or close to death.
Awakened Form: Satan
The move is similar to "Torture" but it doesn't aim for the vital parts of the body. Instead, it cuts the body everywhere making the target suffer a longer death and more painful one.
(When using Hell Breathing, user's eyes cry blood, and physical ability increase enormously.)
(When using Heaven Breathing, user's body toughens, they become enlightened, and they get a intimidating and godly aura.)
Hell and Heaven Breathing are the parents of Sun Breathing. Both Hell and Heaven Breathing existed before Sun Breathing was even born. Hell Breathing is focused on offense. Heaven Breathing is based on defense.
Hi! Here's the Venation Breathing technique I made not that long ago. It derives from Water Breathing, and it mimics the veins/midrib/venation of leaves, and also has a few forms that don't have much to do with them, but still thought it'd be cool if I added them! There are Eleven forms.
Venation Breathing
➳First Form: Alluring Fallen Leaves- The user leaps high into the air, forcing their enemy under the user and slashing their sword in fast movements towards the ground below them, a visual of leaves slashing any enemy below.
➳Second Form: Reticulate
- The user leaps towards the enemy, twisting their body in unnatural ways midair and slashing their sword in small strikes around their body protecting themself and gathering momentum to create more powerful slashes at the enemy. This form can be used multiple times if needed by kicking off the ground again and back into the air.
➳Third Form: Parallel Markings
- The user slashes their sword upwards and downwards, slashing anything in front of them in swift movements.
➳Forth Form: Waltz of the Rotating Leaves- The user uses a waltz for their footwork, slashing every time they step forward, gathering momentum for when the user spins, slashing in front of them with increased power as they do. This waltz is incredibly fast.
➳Fifth Form: Dichotomous- The user lunges towards their enemy, slashing at them and then breaking off into multiple, smaller strikes near the enemies neck/head, usually having the intention to behead a demon.
➳Sixth Form: Arcuate
- The user slashes their sword upwards in a curved movement repeatedly.
➳Seventh form: Cross-Venulate
- The user kicks off the ground, having already performed multiple sword strikes at the enemy, then slashing their sword in a cross shape on the enemies chest.
➳Eighth Form: Sprouting Ferns
- The user disappears for what seems to be a rather long time as ferns sprout from the ground, then creating a very tight a cage around the enemy, the leaves of the fern cutting into the enemy, the illusion stopping, and then the user appearing behind them, the attack finishing with a single slash with the intention to behead the enemy.
➳Ninth Form: Slashing Midrib
- The user kicks off the ground, lunging towards their enemy, slashing to their sword in a simple yet powerful movement with intentions to behead the enemy.
➳Tenth form: Dew on the Waving Ferns
- The user dashes forward and past the enemy, then taking a sharp turn, kicking off the ground and towards the enemy at blinding speeds, slashing with their sword, intending to behead the enemy.
➳Eleventh Form: Shielding Fronds
- The user drops to one knee with their sword pointing forwards, a visual of ferns, fronds, and bracken sprouting around the user. Whenever an enemy gets close, leaves slash at their body, seeming to endlessly fall from the sky until the enemy retreats. Multiple people can be shielded with this form it's used to regain strength, stamina and is a great defense.
Solar Eclipse Breathing - Deprived from Sun Breathing
First form: Eternal Sun - allows user to create ranged horizontal slash.
Second form: Dark Horizon - allows user to use a over arching slash.
Third Form: Red Sunset - allows user to use two slashes on vertical and one horizontal.
Fourth Form: Darkest Day - allows user to swift away from enemy.
Fifth Form: Sun's Shadow - allows user to use the sun dance in a darker format.
Sixth Form: Holy Light - allows user to cause a light horizontal slash.
Seventh Form: Raging Flare - allows user to create a flame dragon above them to guide them to there target.
Eighth Form: Nuclear Flash - Causes the user to be faster than the eye can comprehend.
Ninth Form: Setting Sun - Allows user to strike three times on the enemy in the same spot.
Tenth Form: Lightest Night - allows user to create two overarching slashes
Eleventh Form: Breaking Stride - Allows user to use all ten forms at once.
Nichirin color: Crimson
Accessories: Necklace of Souls.
Boost: Last Breath - if user is at the brink of death, the Last Breath ability will allow the user of use to all breathing forms without consequence to body or health. (Will only activate if damage done from battle and not purposely.)