Comment what u think ur own style is
I alredy put the first from of dumb breath in my perfil
Illusion breathing, ahem.
First form: death of the first
The demon will see their first victim they ever killed charging at them, while being distracted, user will slice off the neck.
Second form: multiple
Right when the demon will attack user, suddenly there will be multiple slayers out of no where and all of them are capable of cutting off the demon's neck
Third form: teleportation
While running, the slayer will start to fade in and out making the demon think they are teleporting.
Forth form: horrid nightmare
(defense form) If the user is injured and the demon is coming forth, then suddenly the demons greatest fear will appear forth infront of the demon, and the demon will start to feel like they are disintegrating
Fifth form: pulling and screaming
(defense form) When the demon tries to hit user, suddenly a hundred screams and cries echoes out, of all of their victims while scratching and clawing at the demon, the more victims, the worse.
Sixth form: sun comes up
When user use this form, suddenly the demon is frozen in place and they think they see the sun come up. Panicking, they try to run away as they can feel their skin burn, only to find they they were decapitated
Seventh form: all I ever wanted
User will slice the demon’s head in a way where it won’t hurt while they see an illusion of what they ever wanted (inspired by 5 for water breathing)
Eight form:
Idk i need suggestions.
Damn, that's a lot of typing.
Naw its a lotta c+p from my slideshow
You still typed it out.
I would want to have a breathing like idk shadow breathing or fart breathing (the first idea is not very original but i don't think anyone has ever thought of a fart breathing before)
Good breath,I'll probably do the death breath later
My fart breathing would use farts that smell horrible to distract (and depending on what i ate, even knock out) the foe and use the opportunity to slice their necks or just defeat them if it's a battle against a human, and instead of the forms being like first form, second form, etc. they'll be kinda like Inosuke's beast breathing, where they are still forms but the user doesn't say form when using it and instead uses another word that still starts with an f (and in my fart breathing's case, that word would be fart)
First Fart: Foul Smells
(Support) The user uses his breathing and control over his own body to fart and depending on what he ate recently, it can go from just slightly disorienting the target to outright knocking them out
Second Fart: Double Stench Slash
(Support and offensive) Uses the heat produced by the methane gas released by the fart to heat up the blade to make cutting the foe easier, and after that, does a diagonal slash and if it hits, the enemy might die, but if it misses, the horrible smell will lower the foe's guard and allows the user to strike again and this time, hit the neck
Third Fart: Clone of Malodor
(Offensive and defensive) The user creates a clone out of his farts that has such a bad smell it confuses the foe and makes them unsure about which one is the true one, and while the clone can't actually do any attacking and will dissipate with time, it will give the user a chance to strike
Fourth Fart: Stinking Whirlwind
(Support and defensive) The user farts and creates a whirlwind by spinning inside of it while holding his sword, which will stun the enemy as well as create a temporary "safe area" for his allies
Fifth Fart: Flatulent Onslaught
(Offensive) The user gathers all fart energy into his sword and dashes at the enemy, cutting twice diagonally, once horizontally and once vertically in incredibly high speeds, and finishes it off by using the cloud created by these attacks to dash behind the enemy and cut their neck
That took me some time to write and I'm ashamed of myself for doing that
You really just wrote out a whole breathing style for that?