Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki

My dream was to live a quiet life with my family in a small house where we would sleep side by side. I would be close enough to see the beloved faces of my wife and child and close enough to reach out and take their hands. That would have been enough. But even that did not come true. Demons exist in this beautiful world.
Yoriichi Tsugikuni in Ancient Memories

Yoriichi Tsugikuni ( (つぎ) (くに) (より) (いち) Tsugikuni Yoriichi?) is a major recurring character in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon Slayer who lived nearly 500 years ago during the Sengoku era.[2] He was the most powerful Demon Slayer to have ever existed.

He is also the inventor of Breathing Styles, being the one who created the first ever Breathing Style, Sun Breathing, that would eventually become the Hinokami Kagura used by Tanjiro Kamado and members of the Kamado Family and the five fundamental styles taught to all Demon Slayers.

Yoriichi is the younger twin brother of Michikatsu Tsugikuni,[3] who later became a demon and joined the Twelve Kizuki.[4]

Quick Answers

Who is Yoriichi Tsugikuni in the context of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba? toggle section
Yoriichi Tsugikuni was a Demon Slayer who lived during the Sengoku era, almost 500 years before the main events. Regarded as the most powerful Demon Slayer to have ever lived, he invented the Breathing Styles, including his own Sun Breathing, which evolved into the Hinokami Kagura used by the Kamado Family.
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What is the significance of Yoriichi Tsugikuni's invention of the Sun Breathing Style? toggle section
Yoriichi Tsugikuni's Sun Breathing is the original Breathing Style from which all others are derived. In teaching his fellow Hashira to utilize it, most were not strong enough. Yoriichi adapted the techniques to suit their own strength, leading to the five fundamental Breathing Styles: Flame, Water, Thunder, Wind, and Stone.
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Is Yoriichi Tsugikuni a demon or a Demon Slayer? toggle section
Yoriichi Tsugikuni is a Demon Slayer. It was his older twin brother Michikatsu who became a demon.
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Who is Yoriichi's brother in Demon Slayer? toggle section
Yoriichi's brother is Michikatsu Tsugikuni.
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Yoriichi is a tall man with a lean muscular build, fair skin, maroon eyes, and long spiky hair with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. He has a similar overall appearance to his twin brother Michikatsu, but unlike him, he was slightly more slender, had shorter bangs, and wavier hair than him. Yoriichi is mostly expressionless, though sometimes a little solemn and aloof.

Yoriichi wore a red haori over a very pale orange-colored nagagi kimono with a black umanori-styled hakama, a pair of zōri with red straps and white tabi socks, with a Nichirin Sword carried at the left side of his waist, conventional to most Demon Slayers. He sported hanafuda earrings created by his mother as charms when he was thought to be deaf; he later gave them to his friend Sumiyoshi Kamado, who then passed the earrings down to his descendants and eventually Tanjiro as well.

As a child, Yoriichi's hair was untied and reached his shoulders. Due to his perceived lesser worth growing up, his attire was simple compared to Michikatsu's more ornate wear, being only a red haori with a pale orange obi.

On the last day of his life, Yorichii maintained the same attire he wore throughout adulthood, but his spiky black hair became spindly and white, and he gained several wrinkles and white bushy eyebrows. In addition, although he still had his pupils, they were obscured with only his scleras being visible most of the time.



Yoriichi's calm and serene disposition

Yoriichi's serene and solemn disposition.

Yoriichi was a calm and respectful individual who wore a solemn and reserved expression at all times, rarely showing outbreaks of emotion. Generally, Yoriichi had a matching low and serene disposition, evident when he killed demons without changing expression or when Muzan was caught offguard by his immense skill because he appeared unassuming. Because of his gentle disposition and unchanging facial expression, most could not tell what he was feeling: the only person who could read his feelings without difficulty was his wife Uta.[5]

He was also extremely humble, seeing himself as just another man and no one special despite his extraordinary abilities; an example being the time he performed the Sun Breathing's forms for Suyako at her request and almost seemed embarrassed afterwards. Yoriichi was also noted by his brother to always have had faith in the future and was confident that despite the immense power of the Demon Slayers after they started using Breathing Styles, a generation would emerge that would surpass their own.

Yoriichi's tears from Sumire's smile

Yoriichi driven to tears from seeing Sumire's joy.

Despite appearing mostly nonchalant, he experiences emotions like any other person; he grieved the loss of Uta and their unborn child for ten straight days and was driven to tears seeing the joy Sumire showed at the simple act of being lifted up as it represented the very same joy that his unborn child was tragically denied of. He also smiled warmly and expressed gratitude to Sumiyoshi after his friend told him his life was not worthless and promised to preserve his Sun Breathing forms through his descendants. Yoriichi is also very kind, shown when he was on the way to fetch a midwife in preparation of the birth of his child, only to stop and help an old man he met along the way reach his dying son. Additionally, despite his own immense skill and strength, he was not above admitting his own weaknesses, acknowledging that even a scratch by Muzan could kill him and experiencing fear for the first time in his life.

As a child, Yoriichi looked up to his older brother Michikatsu. Michikatsu's dream was to become the strongest samurai in the land, so he said that he would become the second strongest. Even in his childhood, he was extremely reserved and quiet, even being believed to be deaf by his family for seven years as he never spoke.

Yoriichi cared for his ailing mother when no one else knew she was ill and protected his father by not telling anyone about how he berated him as a child, even when his father did not love him. He loved and respected his older twin brother and he kept the flute Michikatsu gave him before he left home all the way till his death. When he met him after sixty years, the latter having embraced his new life as a demon. Yoriichi was deeply devastated by what his brother had become and cried. Nonetheless, he attempted to kill Michikatsu in order to stop him as a traitor to the Demon Slayer Corps.


Overall Abilities[]

Yoriichi is the strongest Demon Slayer in history, being born with the Demon Slayer Mark, access to the Transparent World, and Selfless State, as well as possessing a physique polished to the highest caliber and innate swordsmanship talent. As a seven-year-old child who has never picked up a sword before, he was able to defeat a trained sword instructor effortlessly[6] and he was referred to as a miraculous prodigy beyond compare. After training as a Demon Slayer, Yoriichi could defeat multiple demons to where his older brother stated that he as a child couldn't even compare to him as an adult.[7]

Yoriichi using the Thirteenth Form against Muzan

Yoriichi overpowering Muzan, the Demon King, with a single move.

He alone among the Demon Slayer Corps was able to corner Muzan Kibutsuji and overpowered him in an instant, having him on the verge of death until he barely managed to escape.[8] Despite having avoided death, Muzan was deeply scarred by that encounter, referring to him as the true "monster" between the two of them,[9] and even the sight of his earrings made him tremble in shock[10], while mere memories of Yoriichi caused the bodies of other demons who have never met him to tremble.[11]

Shortly before his death of at least 85 years in age, he battled Michikatsu, now a demon by the name of Kokushibo and holder of the title of Upper Rank One. Despite his advanced age, he quickly gained the upper-hand in the battle with a single move, slitting his throat before he finally died standing up, unscathed.[12] Kokushibo himself admits that if Yoriichi launched a second swing before dying, he would have killed him, while commenting Yoriichi's power was still in his prime.[13][14]

Genius Intellect: As a child prodigy, Yoriichi is extremely intelligent. Despite not speaking for most of his childhood, his first words were very clear and pronounced.[15] He also displayed maturity beyond his age as he noticed her mother's illness and helped her all the way till her death.[16] As another testament to his keen intellect, he could immediately use the Transparent World in combat despite never fighting before, being able to intuitively figure out that the lungs of a person will expand before they attack and that he needed to watch their bone movement, muscle contraction, and blood flow, which he used to his advantage instantly in the midst of battle.[17]

Even with just the knowledge of how to hold a sword properly and go into a stance, he was able to instantly overpower a trained sword instructor, causing him to go unconscious and inflicting many injuries all over his body.[6] His unique intellect brought about the "Golden Age of the Demon Slayers" as he invented the Breathing Styles and modified the original Breathing Technique to suit the abilities and individual strengths of others. Furthermore, he was able to surmise that Muzan's weaknesses were his seven hearts and five brains and created an entirely new technique in that split second to overwhelm him.[18]

Demon Slayer Abilities[]

Demon Slayer Mark: Yoriichi is the progenitor of the Demon Slayer Mark, being born with it, possessing the tremendous physical abilities granted by its effects all throughout his lifespan. Unlike all other users of the Marks in his era, Yoriichi was able to defy fate and lived to about 85 years of age. It is presently unknown why Yoriichi is immune to the Mark's effects, but it is presumably because he was the first one ever to have it and born with it naturally, unlike all other Mark bearers who must train to attain it.[19]

  • Bright Red Nichirin Sword: Yoriichi is the first person ever to be able to turn his Nichirin Sword into a bright red color, and he subsequently gave other users the ability to turn their blade bright red as well. When fighting, Yoriichi can turn his normally black sword bright red at will,[20] allowing him to hamper the enhanced regeneration of demons, even Muzan's instant regeneration,[8] burning him at a cellular level and leaving scars on his body for hundreds of years.[21] It has also been noted by Muzan himself that Yoriichi's bright red blade was far more effective than those of the Taisho era Hashira and Tanjiro[22], as he could completely negate the demon's near-absolute regeneration for a short period of time while the Taisho era Demon Slayers can only slightly slow it down, despite the fact that Muzan was in a much weaker condition because of the Anti-Kibutsuji Drug.
  • Transparent World: Yoriichi had access to the Transparent World since birth, and could use it with incredible proficiency, evident when he could watch for lung expansions and muscle contractions within a person and surmise when to strike them as a child.[17] This ability also granted him an advantage against Muzan, allowing him to find his weaknesses instantly and overwhelm him.

Selfless State: During their confrontation, Muzan noted that Yoriichi emanated absolutely no sense of drive, hatred, anger, fighting spirit, animosity or even bloodlust despite being in the midst of a battle against him,[23] rendering it practically impossible for Muzan to detect him, predict his movements, or gauge how powerful he was with his senses. This gave Yoriichi an edge in battle against Muzan when he underestimates his strength, a mistake that haunted the Demon King for the rest of his life.

Physical Abilities[]

Yoriichi slicing Kokushibo's neck

Yoriichi in his 80's slicing Kokushibo's neck before he can react.

Immeasurable Speed & Reflexes: Yoriichi possessed unparalleled levels of speed that surpass all other characters in the series, including that of the Demon King, shown when he was able to dodge every attack that Muzan launched at him and near-fatally injure Muzan with one move, despite the demon's own immeasurable speed and strength.[24] Even when Muzan divided himself into 1,800 flesh pieces to escape, Yoriichi still managed to reduce the number down to 300 in mere moments.[25]

Even on the last day of his life, he was able to easily blitz Kokushibo, Muzan's strongest subordinate, nearly severing his neck instantly, despite Yoriichi telling him when he will strike.[26] As another testament to his godlike movement speed, Yoriichi Type Zero, the robot doll modeled after him used by Demon Slayers to train, was built with six arms because two arms alone couldn't replicate Yoriichi's movements.[27]

Immeasurable Stamina & Endurance: Even as a seven-year-old child, Yoriichi could run for a whole day without rest; he even remarked that he didn't feel the least bit enervated.[28] His vitality is also beyond peak-human level, being able to survive without food or water for ten whole days when he was embracing his dead wife.[29] Moreover, Yoriichi lived to his 80s without his power waning in the slightest, as shown when he instantly outmatched Kokushibo during their final confrontation.[12]

Immeasurable Strength: Yoriichi possesses tremendous levels of physical strength possibly beyond that of nearly all other Demon Slayers in existence. As a child, he could knock out a grown man with inclined physical abilities with a wooden blade, even causing extremely severe bruises the size of fists.[30] When he was an adult, he was able to effortlessly slice off the neck of Muzan Kibutsuji, the most fortified body part of the strongest demon in existence.

Supernatural Abilities[]

Extrasensory Perception: Outside of the sixth sense granted by the Transparent World which allowed him to see the inner workings of a person, Yoriichi also has extremely honed sensory abilities, able to detect things outside the normal range of perception. Like most high-level Demon Slayers, Yoriichi would be able to discern the aura of demons from humans while also be able to tell the strength of his enemies at a glance. During Yoriichi's first encounter with Muzan, he could immediately tell that, by destiny, he was born into this world to defeat him.[31] Yoriichi was also able to accurately sense the Demon King's aura, which he describes as magma erupting from a volcano.[32]

Fighting Style[]

Yoriichi overwhelming a swords instructor

Yoriichi, as a child, overwhelming a trained adult swords instructor despite never picking up a sword before.

Unparalleled Swordsmanship: Yoriichi is the greatest swordsman to have ever lived. Even as a seven-year-old child with no training, he was capable of easily defeating a trained swordsman the very first time he ever picked up a sword, striking him in multiple areas across his body faster than the eye can process.[6] His swordsmanship was so tremendous that a battle doll modelled after him had to be made with 6 arms wielding katanas and utilizing 108 techniques to even attempt to imitate Yoriichi's skills, and even then, the doll was still vastly inferior compared to him.[33] His swordsmanship easily overwhelmed the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji and he would have killed his twin brother, Kokushibo, the strongest swordsman in the current era, if he didn't die of old age.[14]

Breathing Style[]

Sun Breathing ( () () (きゅう) Hi no kokyū?): Created by Yoriichi himself as the original Breathing Style which all other subsequent styles would be modeled after and was later replicated by Sumiyoshi Kamado who called it Hinokami Kagura (ヒノカミ神楽 (かぐら) Hinokami Kagura?). Yoriichi was incredibly proficient and unrivalled in his Sun Breathing, being able to take down demons effortlessly and even overwhelm the Demon King and the strongest Upper Rank. When looking through the memories of his ancestor, Tanjiro remarked that when Yoriichi performed the techniques of Sun Breathing, the forms were so strikingly beautiful and breathtaking, he appeared more like a spirit than a man.[34] Even after watching Yoriichi perform Sun Breathing first-hand, it's been noted by Muzan that Tanjiro's techniques were still far inferior to Yoriichi's.[22]


  • Dance ( (えん) () Enbu?)[35] - The user performs a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion.
  • Clear Blue Sky ( (へき) () (てん) Heki-ra no Ten?)[36] - The user spins and twists their upper body in a circular motion, releasing a 360° slash.
  • Raging Sun ( (れつ) (じつ) (こう) (きょう) Retsujitsu Kōkyō?)[37] - The user unleashes two consecutive horizontal arcing slashes around themselves to strike incoming attacks.
  • Burning Bones, Summer Sun ( (しゃっ) (こつ) (えん) (よう) Shakkotsu En'yō?)[38] - The user performs a singular slash utilizing a spiraling motion which extends in front of themselves to defend from imminent frontal attacks.
  • Setting Sun Transformation ( (しゃ) (よう) (てん) (しん) Shayō Tenshin?)[39] - The user backflips into the air before performing a singular horizontal slash which aims to decapitate the target.
  • Solar Heat Haze ( () (りん) (かげ) (ろう) Hirin Kagerō?)[40] - The user rushes forth, now attempting to deliver a strike seemingly enveloped in a heat-haze, masking the true length and location of the blade to deliver an unexpected strike.
  • Beneficent Radiance ( () () (おん) (こう) Kiki Onkō?)[41] - The user spirals into the air whilst performing a swirling slash upwards to strike the target.
  • Sunflower Thrust ( (よう) () (とつ) Yōkatotsu?)[42][43] - The user performs a singular thrust utilizing the tip of their blade to strike the target.
  • Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance ( (にち) (うん) (りゅう) (かぶり) () Nichiun no Ryū Kaburimai?)[44] - The user assumes a high stance, before unleashing a number of consecutive slashes in a fluid motion in the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames. This technique is capable of decapitating multiple targets at once.
  • Fire Wheel ( () (しゃ) Kasha?)[45] - The user flips into the air behind the opponent before unleashing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion to swiftly cut the target in half.
  • Fake Rainbow ( (げん) (にち) (こう) Gen'nichi Kō?)[46] - The user performs high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages used mostly to evade attacks. The afterimages work most effectively on enemies with sharp vision.[46]
  • Flame Dance ( (えん) () Enbu?)[47] - A two-combo strike which starts with a vertical slash leading into a horizontal slash right after.
  • Thirteenth Form ( (じゅう) (さん) (かた) Jū San no kata?)[48] - The user continuously performs all twelve forms of Sun Breathing in repetitive succession to increase the accuracy and agility of their movements, and attacks. This form was created solely for the purpose of killing Muzan Kibutsuji, since the repetition of all twelve forms aims to destroy Muzan's twelve vital organs (seven hearts and five brains) that move freely inside his body.


Standard Nichirin Katana: Yoriichi carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana that is deep black in color, but changes bright red during combat. His katana's hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, with a black center and a golden border. Yoriichi's katana also has the words Slay ( (めつ) Metsu?) engraved on the side, unlike Slay All Demons written on the Hashira's swords. Along with his katana, Yoriichi also carries a standard sword sheath that is black in color. It is implied that his katana was discovered after his death and hidden in the battle doll made in his image, Yoriichi Type Zero.



Unborn Child

*The story does not indicate which child of Michikatsu carries on the lineage nor the quantity of generations that follow prior to the Tokito's.



  • Yoriichi's family name is composed of the Kun'yomi reading of the kanji for "to inherit, succeed" ( (つぎ) tsugi?) and "country, kingdom" ( (くに) kuni?). His given name contains the Kun'yomi reading aswell and means "fate, destiny" ( (より) yori?) and the traditional daiji for "one" ( (いち) ichi?).
  • The bag in which Yoriichi carried his brother's flute may have possibly been made of the cloth of his late wife's kimono, as the cloth patterns between the bag and kimono are quite similar.
  • There are times where Uta believed he was the spirit of "Kṣitigarbha/Jizō" ( () (ぞう) Jizō?) (a bodhisattva known for this vows of instruction of the Six Worlds of Saṃsāra and not attaining buddhahood until all Naraka hells are empty) or "Zashiki-warashi" ( () (しき) (わら) () ?), a young-childlike yōkai who protects households.[49]
  • After his mother Akeno gave him his signature Hanafuda earrings, Yoriichi realized he received them because his family had considered him deaf. She was the first person he had ever spoken to.
  • Although he is normally quiet and calm in nature, he chatted frequently after getting along with the Hashira of the Sengoku Era. Despite their initial anger for his brother's transformation, some of the Hashira would continue to speak with Yoriichi after his banishment, due to their close friendship.
  • In the Volume 23 extras, it is strongly implied that Yoriichi and his wife Uta reincarnated into the modern era and became a very happy couple with kids.


  • (To Sumiyoshi Kamado) "Sumiyoshi... those who master their trade all arrive at the same place. Even if the times change or the way to that place changes they are certain to reach the same place. You seem to think I'm someone that's special but I'm not. I cannot protect anything that's important to me and I was unable to accomplish even one thing that I should have in this life. I am a man without any value."[50]
  • (To Kokushibo) "My brother... we are not that great. We are merely a fragment of humankind's long, long history. At this moment, those whose talent will surpass ours are uttering their first cries. They may come to reach the same place. There is no need to worry. We can draw the curtain of life closed without unease at any time. Does that not exhilarate you? Brother? Someday the children now being born will surpass us and ascend to even greater heights."[51]
  • (To Kokushibo) "My brother, is your dream to become the strongest samurai in the land? I want to be like you. I... want to become the second strongest samurai."[52]
  • "My dream was to live a quiet life with my family in a small house where we would sleep side by side. I would be close enough to see the beloved faces of my wife and child and close enough to reach out and take their hands. That would have been enough. But even that did not come true. Demons exist in this beautiful world."[53]
  • "The Demon Slayers defeated demons, one after the next. When demons killed my elder brother's subordinates, he too became a Demon Slayer and lent us his strength. Soon after, I found the demon's progenitor. And in that moment I knew that I had been born for the purpose of defeating him."[54]
  • (To Muzan) "What is the value of a life to you?"[55]
  • (To Sumiyoshi) "I think I was born with special strength for the purpose of defeating Muzan Kibutsuji. But I was lacking. In the end, I failed. Because of that, many more people will die. And that pains me."[56]


  2. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 17).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 174 (Page 9).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 178 (Page 10-11).
  5. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 21, Extra Pages.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177 (Page 7-8).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 178 (Page 5).
  8. 8.0 8.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187.
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 195 (Page 3).
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 8.
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 81 (Page 17).
  12. 12.0 12.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 174 (Page 15).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 174 (Page 17).
  14. 14.0 14.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 175 (Page 1).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177 (Page 4-5).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177 (Page 18-19).
  17. 17.0 17.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177 (Page 10).
  18. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 2-5).
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177.
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 113.
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 194.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 193 (Page 3-4).
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 195 (Page 2).
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 4).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 7).
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 174 (Page 14-15).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 103 (Page 2).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 10).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 16).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 177 (Page 9).
  31. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 19).
  32. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 1).
  33. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 153 (Page 4-5).
  34. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 192 (Page 3).
  35. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 40 (Page 6).
  36. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 61 (Page 23).
  37. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 77 (Page 14).
  38. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 81 (Page 16).
  39. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 152 (Pages 22-23).
  40. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 149 (Page 11).
  41. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 191 (Page 18).
  42. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Pages 9-10).
  43. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 139 (Page 14).
  44. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 113 (Pages 8-9).
  45. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 147 (Page 9).
  46. 46.0 46.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 77 (Page 18).
  47. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 77 (Page 16).
  48. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 193.
  49. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 189 (Page 20).
  50. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 99 (Pages 16-17).
  51. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 175 (Page 19-22).
  52. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 176 (Page 13-14).
  53. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 16-17).
  54. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 186 (Page 18-19).
  55. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 5).
  56. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 187 (Page 12).


[v · e · ?]
Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki · Amane Ubuyashiki · Hinaki Ubuyashiki · Nichika Ubuyashiki · Kiriya Ubuyashiki · Kuina Ubuyashiki · Kanata Ubuyashiki · Senri Ubuyashiki · Akito Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka · Mitsuri Kanroji · Obanai Iguro · Sanemi Shinazugawa · Gyomei Himejima · Kyojuro Rengoku · Tengen Uzui · Muichiro Tokito · Shinobu Kocho · Kanae Kocho · Sakonji Urokodaki · Jigoro Kuwajima · Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado · Zenitsu Agatsuma · Inosuke Hashibira · Genya Shinazugawa · Kanao Tsuyuri · Murata · Ozaki · Masachika Kumeno · Yoriichi Tsugikuni · Takeuchi · Nagakura · Noguchi · Yoshioka · Shimamoto
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki · Sumi Nakahara · Kiyo Terauchi · Naho Takada · Goto
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara · Hotaru Haganezuka · Kozo Kanamori · Kotetsu · Tetsumotonaka · Tetsudoji · Tetsutani · Tetsuido
Other/Associates: Sabito · Makomo · Suma · Makio · Hinatsuru · Masao Maeda
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji · Nezuko Kamado · Temple Demon · Hand Demon · Swamp Demon · Asakusa Demon · Tamayo · Yushiro · Susamaru · Yahaba · Tongue Demon · Horned Demon · Spider Demon (Father) · Spider Demon (Mother) · Spider Demon (Son) · Spider Demon (Daughter) · Shizu Shinazugawa · Woodland Demon · Serpent Demon
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo · Doma · Akaza · Nakime · Hantengu · Gyokko · Gyutaro · Daki · Kaigaku · Enmu · Rokuro · Wakuraba · Mukago · Rui · Kamanue · Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado · Kie Kamado · Takeo Kamado · Hanako Kamado · Shigeru Kamado · Rokuta Kamado · Sumiyoshi Kamado · Suyako Kamado · Sumire Kamado
Shinazugawa Family: Kyogo Shinazugawa · Sumi Shinazugawa · Teiko Shinazugawa · Hiroshi Shinazugawa · Koto Shinazugawa · Shuya Shinazugawa
Northwest Town: Kazumi · Satoko · Tokie
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko · Shoichi · Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu · Omitsu · Toyo · Rei · Yatsu
Other: Saburo · Hisa · Senjuro Rengoku · Ruka Rengoku · Yuichiro Tokito · Tsutako Tomioka · Sayo · Keizo · Koyuki · Kotoha Hashibira · Akeno Tsugikuni · Uta · Takaharu
Animals: Chachamaru · Kaburamaru
Species/Groups: Kasugai Crows · Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado · Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma · Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira · Tojuro Rengoku · Tenma Uzui · Giichi Tomioka · Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Demon Slayers: Uraga
Civilians: Yae · Taro · Fuku · Tomi · Tatsu
Demons: Matazo · Hairo · Flute Demon · Ubume · Slasher · Mantis Demon